Membership to the club will give access to all the events and activities organised by the AD CLUB. The perks and access to events of AD CLUB will however depend on the type of membership availed by the party.
You must be at least 18 years of age and agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement. Your membership is for you alone; it cannot be transferred or sold. It may be terminated or suspended for violation of Club rules.
The membership will be valid upto 1 year after registering into the club
There is a processing fee due at the time you sign up. Dues may be paid monthly or annually. Monthly dues are payable in advance each month and annual dues are paid one year in advance.
If you cancel your membership or you let your membership lapse, you will need to pay a new processing fee to rejoin and the processing fee is non-refundable.
We require electronic funds transfer (bank account or credit card) for payment of monthly dues. All charges are billed each month on the billing date you choose when you join. If your account becomes past due for any reason, you will be charged a late fee and your membership will be suspended until your account is current.
You can register as a company with min. of 3 members and for each add on member a 25% off shall be availed against the membership price of an individual included into the Corporate Membership package.
You can register as an individual into the club and will have access to all the events and activities except for the activities intended for Corporate entities.